What’s In It For Me, Really?

Why am I doing this? What made me think that I’d have anything interesting to write about that others would want to read? Who do I think that I am to put my thoughts out to the public?

I am a ‘nobody’ wanting to be a ‘somebody’ but have nothing to give.

These are thoughts that run through my head as I stare at the blank screen in front of me and I wonder how many other people feel this way.

We’ve been privileged to NOT have any form of television in our house for probably about 4 or 5 years. A couple of weeks ago we were given the chance to have satellite t.v.. It being winter I thought it would be kinda cool to watch some Christmas movies- Hallmark has some descent stuff sometimes. What I wasn’t prepared for is all the garbage commercials. That is why we don’t have t.v. Not because of the shows you can tune into but what your mind gets bombarded with in between. The stuff that gets embedded into your brain without you even realizing it’s in there. And how its all about me!

Ever realize that the more its about ‘me’ the more depressing life gets? When you just focus on how to make yourself happy or successful you fall into a trap of being very selfish. It sounds harsh but hear me out.

In the beginning God created Adam for a purpose. He was not created to prance around the world that God had just finished creating, thinking that God had to cater to him. No, God created Adam to take care of the earth and all that was in it. Not as a slave over it but as a care giver. Then God created Eve as a helpmate for Adam. Again not as a slave and not for selfishness but as a co-care giver and companion to Adam. It is selfishness that brought sin into the world that was made perfect.Throughout the years self-centeredness caused many heartaches and destruction.

Fast forward to today, 6000+years later, and we see that that hasn’t changed at all. Commercials are all about me- I deserve this car, that truck, these clothes, that new couch, buy this or that and it just keeps going. Oh and sometimes you don’t have to pay till a year later and before you know it you are in so much debt you don’t know how to get out of it. But you had a moment of pleasure and that’s what this world is all about.

A moment of pleasure- what about tomorrow? The day after, and after that?

True happiness and contentment isn’t about what I do for myself as much as what can I do for others. If my husband is content and my children are happy then I’m happy. When I do for others I find joy.

Sometimes you need to take time to rejuvenate and energize, our Lord did the same after long days serving and feeding others both spiritually and physically. It is important to stay healthy and keep focused so take some time for yourself.

Now your thinking that this is all talk and cliche, but in all honesty I am speaking of experience. Many times I do something just because I want to or get something because I felt like it and in the end it just has no meaning and seems like a waste of time. Believe me, 28 years of stuff accumulated and moved with us from one house to the next, thinking I’ll get rid of it next time when I have more time to go through it has never yet happened. Until now! As my oldest daughter and myself have been going through things (and we have just started) lots has gone out. The things I’ve bought for myself are easy to get rid of, the ones that I’ve gotten from a loved one is not easy to let go. I’ll go into more of that journey in another post.

Looking back through my life I realize all my good memories come from when I’ve done something for others or with others. My peace comes from spending time with Jesus, my Lord.

So back to my original questions – why am I doing this? Not totally sure yet but maybe to put a new perspective in someone’s eyes by helping you see that happiness is not about ‘me’ but about YOU! What can I do for you? How can I show you that you are loved and that today is a good day for you to reach out to someone and spread some cheer, even just a pat on the back or a smile! The more you give the more you receive!

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